Facebook and other social media sites are starting to get on peoples nerves. That’s the sentiment coming out of a recent report published by the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. The report which details the level of customer satisfaction among U.S. users paints a rather surprising picture.
Michigan’s Ross, conducted the study in conjunction with customer analytics firm ForeSeeResults. Over 70,000 people were questioned on various aspects of their social media experience, and the overwhelming response was a thumbs down for most of the top social networking sites.
Customers were particularly unhappy with Facebook, citing privacy concerns as their major gripe. Facebook scored a dismal 66 on the 2011 American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), out of a possible 100. And I say dismal because although it’s the inaugural measurement of social media satisfaction, the average in that particular category is 70. Facebook is barley doing better than “airlines, TV and newspapers” in terms of customer satisfaction and even that is nothing to be proud of since nobody likes those guys.
But there is hope, and it comes by the way of Google+. Analysts are predicting that with Google entering the social media arena in a big way, things should improve. Google, after all, ranks highly for a high customer experience across most of its platforms, and much the same is expected with Google+.
Are you satisfied with Facebook? Watch the video below to see one of the latest Facebook rants.
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